Monday, August 1, 2016

Can a Kazoo Change a Young Girls Outlook on Life?

I’m a grandfather, particularly a grandfather to a four year old little girl I named “Duckie” while she was still cooking in my daughter in-law’s tummy.  Now that she is really starting to express herself in a manner that is comprehensive and engaging, she is starting to display some mannerisms that I didn’t think would start to surface for a few more years yet.  She is becoming a “girl,” I’m saying this in the sense of, “Papa, I can’t do that, I’m a girl,” or “Papa, I can’t wear that, that’s for boys! I’m a girl!” and my favorite, “Papa, I told you, pink is for girls, blue is for boys.”  All of this has me thinking of our daughters, one through four; did they start acting this way so early on in life?  Despite the similarities and differences between our daughters in how they grew up, I did my best to educate them on being their own person and taking pride in that, to not have any limitations, if they wanted to do something then do it!  But I digress, Duckie is on a fast pace of becoming a “girl” becoming in awe of “prince-charming” coming to the rescue and I have spoken to the boss (my dear wife) and Dil (daughter-in-law) about this and they claim they have no clue how she’s picking up these concepts and mannerisms.

Erin Bried, the editor of Conde’ Nast had an awaking one day while in a bookstore with her daughter, when discovering that all the magazines geared for girls had content that prepped them to becoming young “women.”  In other words carrying for their appearance more than anything else.  She embarked on creating “Kazoo” a magazine that aimed at girls from 5-10 a life that could be inspiring, to teach girls to be fearless and make themselves true. 

I don’t have every say about “Duckie’s” life but this is one aspect that I’m going to do my best to see if I can’t redirect her and make her feel strong at the same time.


  1. What a lucky girl! Your interest, love and guidance will no doubt have an impact on the woman she becomes. Thanks for mentioning this resource. I have an 8 year old niece that might benefit from Kazoo.

    1. Thank you Kimmy, with our son being in the Army over seas and Dil and Duckie living with us since she was 6 months old I have come to see a lot of changes in her, especially in her gender recognition. I just want her to realize that the world is open to her in all forms and not to think of herself as a stereotype. I'm not to familiar with kids her age, but it just seems she's trying to grow faster than her years.

  2. First of all, as a daughter of a four-year-old (she just turned four today) I want to thank you for sharing Kazoo. You post rings so true with what I have been wondering about for the past six months or so. My daughter is very similar to "Duckie" in that she is quite aware of gender, marriage, and relationships. I don't know that it's necessarily a bad thing, as she seems quite in tune with people and their interactions, but I have been looking for ways to balance out that so many stories we read have a prince charming and his entrance into the story makes everything alright and complete.

    1. I too am not sure if her "awareness of gender, marriage, and relationships" is a bad thing, but I must say that I have a whole load of women in my family that were brought up with the "prince charming" thing and it is a failed concept. Awareness in ones self is key and I hope this helps, if anything it's a beginning.

  3. I have two boys and two girls, and I have done my best to rear all four with the idea that they can accomplish much regardless of their genders. Duckie is a lucky girl to have a grandfather who will strive to teach her that appearance has very little to do with ability and character.

    1. I must admit as much as I try it already feels like an up hill battle. She is so head-strong, yet I hope that can play in her favor later in life. Why is it so easy to believe someone else's asinine comment and yet, hard to look in the mirror and not believe the beauty that is reflected?

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